AAPI Monthly Newsletters
AAPI Newsletter: October 2023
November 15, 2023

When AAPI’s Board asked if I would take the reins of this important organization in mid-September, I was honored and humbled. The Abraham Accords have been one of the brightest spots of this century. I quickly went to work with the highly-qualified professional team and esteemed lay leadership to chart a course for AAPI. It was our intent to share that vision through our monthly newsletter in early October, right after the Jewish holiday season.
On October 7th, the Middle East, and the world, changed forever. After ensuring that our colleagues and contacts in Israel were physically safe, we pivoted to ensuring that the Abraham Accords would not be ruptured by this heinous attack. So many of us had worked so hard to build bridges of warm peace and cooperation between Israel and the other Accords member nations. We could not allow a murderous terrorist organization to tear these bridges down.
It has not been easy. There is an enormous amount of erroneous news that reinforces decades of mistrust and hatred. This disinformation places those who wish to advance the region, and indeed the world, towards peace and prosperity, on the defensive.
The more we worked, the more important our work became. The Houthi attack on Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel, multiple attacks by Iranian proxies on U.S. forces throughout the region, the Polisario attack on Moroccan Sahara, attacks by Hezbollah and other terror groups on Israel’s northern front, and of course the murderous barbaric onslaught by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad from Gaza, have clearly shown us that we are in the midst of a war for the future of civilization and peace. The battle may be primarily focused in Israel today, but the USA and moderate Islamic societies are also targets of the fundamentalist terror groups in this war.
We believe that the Abraham Accords provides the roadmap for winning this war. At its core, the Abraham Accords is based on the belief that the vision of peace, prosperity, coexistence and cooperation is more powerful than the vision of hatred, hostility and terror promoted by extremist groups. This will not be a short battle, but with time, the vision and success of the Abraham Accords will provide a better way forward for the entire Middle East, Muslims, Christians and Jews alike. Several of the Abraham Accords countries have issued public condemnations of Hamas for the October 7th terrorist attack against Israel. These countries should be lauded for their statements.
I do not take the responsibility of leading AAPI and preserving and strengthening the Abraham Accords lightly. I know that many of you are equally committed to continuing to deepen and expand the Accords. At this time, I strongly recommend supporting the tens of thousands of Israelis in need- Jews, Christians, Muslims and Druze. I also recommend reaching out to Emirati, Bahraini, Sudanese, Kosovar, and Moroccan friends and colleagues, and commending them for courageous steps they have taken to preserve Abraham Accords ties, big or small, at this challenging time. It is precisely at times like these that we must strengthen our relationships and emphasize our appreciation to show the world the vision for a better way.
The complex challenges of the Middle East were not created overnight, and they will not be solved overnight. This will be a collaborative effort of many people from all backgrounds, pulling together to accomplish extraordinary objectives. We are always open to suggestions and ideas, and look forward to working together with all committed to the future of the Abraham Accords.
Respectfully yours, ![]() ![]()
![]() Since the founding of the Abraham Accords Peace Institute in 2021, Robert Greenway has been a resolute leader and trusted advisor in AAPI’s mission to strengthen and expand the Abraham Accords. His strategic insights, deep understanding of the region, and staunch commitment to the historic agreements have been crucial in shaping the Institute’s priorities, seizing opportunities to increase economic and cultural ties among Abraham Accords’ members, and encouraging others to join these agreements.
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![]() September Trade Numbers: (Source: Israel Central Bureau of Statistics)
![]() September Visitor Numbers: (Source: Israel Central Bureau of Statistics)
![]() September Flight Departure Numbers: (Source: Israel Aviation Authority)